Carrot Seed (Daucus carota)
Location: The wild carrot is found in Europe, India, and North Africa. The essential oil is distilled in France.
Extraction: Steam distilled from the seeds.
Colour and Odour: The essential oil is clear with a hint of yellow; it has a herby, woody and earthy aroma.
Description: The essential oil is obtained from the seeds of the wild carrot, which have a stringy tap root unlike the thick succulent root of the more familiar cultivated carrot. Both the wild and cultivated carrots are herbs with green stalks and leaves and white lacy flower tops with purple centres.
Background: The carrot has long been cultivated for its fleshy bright orange tap root. It is important for its vitamin A content, which is good for the eyesight.
Properties: Tonic, carminative.
Digestive System-Carrot has a tonic action on the liver and gall bladder and can be used for treating jaundice.
Skin- Restores tone and elasticity to skin and helps reduce wrinkles. Can be good for blemished skin and can benefit both dry and oily skin types. Carrot can improve the complexion and encourage a more youthful appearance to the skin.
Emotion- Can help to strengthen the mind and can help with doubt and confusion, also useful for over-excitability and nervousness.