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ORGANIC ORANGE (Citrus sinensis)

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Price £4.35 inc. VAT
Code: 1149

Orange (Citrus sinensis)

Location: Orange is now widely cultivated for its fruit and juice all around the Mediterranean and in California and Florida.

Extraction: Expression from the peel.

Colour and Odour: The essential oil is golden yellow in colour and has a sweet, fruity aroma.

Description: The sweet orange is produced by a small evergreen tree which is less hardy than the bitter orange tree. It has shiny leaves, white flowers and round fruits.

 Background: A native of China, the sweet orange was introduced to Europe in the eighteenth century, where it flourished. Orange is a traditional ingredient in mulled wine; pierced with cloves and dried, the fruit is a popular pomander.

Properties: Antidepressant, antispasmodic, sedative.


Digestive System-Promotes peristalsis, easing constipation.

Circulatory System-Can be valuable in helping treat cardiac spasm or palpitations and reducing blood cholesterol.

Emotion-Very cheering, joyful, bright and lively, orange dispels gloomy thoughts, can help with sadness and depression.

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ORGANIC ORANGE (Citrus sinensis)

ORGANIC ORANGE (Citrus sinensis)
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